
The npm package is located here.

Install with yarn:

yarn add @wispfinance/react-sdk

Install with npm:

npm install @wispfinance/react-sdk


Simply add our widget using the WispLink component as in the following example:

import React from 'react';
import { WispLink } from '@wispfinance/react-sdk';
import { useRouter } from "next/router";

const Home = ({checkoutId, userToken}) => {
    const router = useRouter();

    return (
          style={{backgroundColor: '#1761CE', width: 150}}
          cb={() => router.push(`/completed?checkoutId=${checkoutId}&token=${userToken}`)}
          Subscribe with crypto

export default Home;


token: (Required) public API key from the Wisp dashboard

priceId: (Required) Price ID of the product from the Wisp dashboard

cb: (Required) Callback to be called upon completion of the checkout flow

customId: (Optional) Custom ID to attach with the subscription. This is usually the customer id or user id.

children?: (Optional) children for WispLink for the button text. Will defualt to “Connect”

style?: (Optional) React.CSSProperties to style your button

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